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Implementation Services

Leadership and implementation services take the next step in supporting change.  These services get into the day to day activities necessary to take action on advisory services outcomes.  Core services include:

  • Project / Program Management -  Services that can take the form of coaching and mentoring to existing staff or as an alternative can be more direct hands on support of project, programs and initiatives to help implement the Human and Technology system TM  within the organization.  Example services include:

  1. Planning

  2. Project jump start

  3. Coaching and mentoring

  4. Project Execution, Control and Closure

  5. Project Evaluations and Risk Assessments
  6. Project Turnaround Services

  7. Project Management Office (PMO) establishment and transition

  • Product Development ¨C Products today many times are delivered via software or are software and many times are not treated as a product as a result.  This service helps deliver the solution as a holistic product.  Services include;

  1. Product Assessments

  2. Planning

  3. Platform / architecture targeting

  4. Prototype development,

  5. Product development

  6. Market analysis

  7. Requirements elicitation, analysis and management

  8. Portfolio and asset management

  9. Organization transition and readiness

  10. Facilitation

  • Business Analysis - Services include business needs identification, product definition, process analysis and requirements analysis.

  • Organizational Change ¨C Services that provide assistance with implementing people, process, organization and cultural changes required for success.  Included are key topics in quality, value, privacy and compliance.

  • Technology Implementation ¨C Specialty areas include software applications, data warehousing and application tools.  Services include:

  1. Support for selecting, adopting and implementing information technology commercial off the self (COTS) and Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) vendors and applications.  Examples in data warehouse include OLAP, ETL and Database systems.  Examples in the healthcare industry include, informatics, health information exchange (HIE), personal health records (PHR), electronic medical records (EMR), computerized physician order entry (CPOE) and Practice Management systems.

  2. Custom developed web based, client server, mobile and server based applications in Microsoft, Java and Mainframe technologies. 

  3. Target Architecture determination including industry best practices, for example, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).


8727 Jeffrey Avenue North   |   Stillwater, MN 55082   |   651.756.1127


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